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picture1_Language Pdf 99918 | 1523090 Artikel

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File: Language Pdf 99918 | 1523090 Artikel
an analysis of figurative language in the selected songs album of jessie j verdinda depratama pribadi stkip pgri sidoarjo email verdindapribadi gmail com abstract this research was aimed to investigate ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...An analysis of figurative language in the selected songs album jessie j verdinda depratama pribadi stkip pgri sidoarjo email verdindapribadi gmail com abstract this research was aimed to investigate types languages and contextual meaning used song is use words imaginative manner give readers imagination interpretation context than literal researcher theories by saputri kind descriptive qualitative considering data study that were classified as subject popular singer namely jessy primary instrument herself considered her roles collecting analyzing viewed from findings found out they personification simile metaphor hyperbole irony litotes metonymy oxymoron interpreted those effectively key introduction a human property which communicate each other around world people their daily life convey messages others whom are talking jakobson cited harmastuty p states referential emotive conative phatic metalingual poetic six functions every function has its own characteristics such only concern th...

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