File: Language Pdf 99916 | S1 2021 0038 Bibliography
references akmajian et al 2001 linguistic an introduction to language and communication 5th edition mit press asyura muhammad 2017 pause and slip of the tongue on stand up comedy show ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...References akmajian et al linguistic an introduction to language and communication th edition mit press asyura muhammad pause slip of the tongue on stand up comedy show in indonesia ijasos international e journal advances soial science vol iii issue http ocerintjournals org en pub carrol david w psychology thomson wadsworth chaer abdul psikolinguistik kajian teoretik rineka cipta creswell john research design qualitative quantitative mixed methods approaches rd sage publications inc crystal a dictionary linguistics phonetics blackwell publishing darwowidjojo soenjono pengantar pemahaman bahasa manusia edisi kedua cetakan ketujuh yayasan pustaka obor fasold ralph jeff c linton cambridge university field psycholinguistic routledge fitriana meida slips speech production state officials study flick uwe qualitatvie data collection ltd fromkin theory publisher victoria robert rodman nina hyams cengage learning errors as evidence hague meyer charles f introducing english mus nurhikmawati anal...