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picture1_Language Pdf 99836 | Met Setting Cut Scores Cefr

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File: Language Pdf 99836 | Met Setting Cut Scores Cefr
setting cut scores on the common european framework of reference for the michigan english test technical report contact information all correspondence and mailings should be addressed to cambridge michigan language ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Setting cut scores on the common european framework of reference for michigan english test technical report contact information all correspondence and mailings should be addressed to cambridge language assessments argus building west william st suite ann arbor usa phone fax met cambridgemichigan org www table contents acknowledgments v introduction standard manual relating examinations cefr purpose levels methodology selection judges method material tasks during meeting post analysis data results familiarization activities score validity evidence validation initial estimates consistency finalization decision intra judge inter external feedback conclusion references appendices sample used familiarize with train item difficulty collect iii list tables listening task descriptors mean level reading vocabulary grammar agreement group judgments section i ii comparison sej before after excluding extreme ratings recommended coefficient p kappa k correlations between empirical classification fo...

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