certificate course in urdu syllabus paper i prose and poetry time 3 hours maximum mark 100 theory 80 internal assesment 20 1 text marks 60 prose poetry summary word meanings ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Certificate course in urdu syllabus paper i prose and poetry time hours maximum mark theory internal assesment text marks summary word meanings their use sentences translation of unseen passage from english into units themes stanzas for explanation three out four x nazm portion two nasr theme a lesson poem studied prescribed book to books ibtedai nisab by abu alkalam qasmi published educational house m u market aligarh recommended university punjabi qaida dr amarwant singh ki pehli kitab maulvi mohammad isma eel merathi farid depot matra mahal ii composition applied grammar essays on subjects connected with everyday life letter writing precis correction words phrases idioms fill the blanks gender number noun its kinds past tense present future essay proverbs definitions examples...