chapter 6 thelandscapeofgreekquantifiers anastasia giannakidou 6 1 introduction in this article we study the structures that the greek language employs to express quantification by greek i am referring to the ...
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...Chapter thelandscapeofgreekquantifiers anastasia giannakidou introduction in this article we study the structures that greek language employs to express quantification by i am referring contemporary spokeninthecountries of greece and cyprus an estimated total million speakers greeks diaspora it has long been customary especially classics use term refer theancientlanguage andforawhile linguistsreferredtothemodernlanguage as modern or koine koin neoellznik babiniotis kontos however a living does not need be qualified adjective which implies is somehow secondary ancient holton et al xiii for reason gradually became standard practice linguistics adding only when these chronological stages distinguished greekisanindo europeanlanguage thesoledescendantofancientgreek ancientgreekexhibitedvariationinitsdialects werealways mutuallyintelligibleandinlaterstages e g inlaterantiquityandthehellenistic period developed into common see among others horrocks now view vast majority nowspeakacommonlangua...