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picture1_Ml French Language Lessons

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File: Ml French Language Lessons
an introduction to french the text accompanies the following thirteen audio 17 tracks ml french lesson 1 mp3 time 1 16 file size 1 17 mb ml french lesson 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...An introduction to french the text accompanies following thirteen audio tracks ml lesson mp time file size mb vocabulary parts of day personal pronouns le jour soir evening la nuit night midi noon a at matin in morning l apres after dans minuit midnight peace corps mali je i tu you singular il he elle she nous we vous plural ils they masculine or masc fem elles feminine greetings bonjour good bonsoir monsieur sir madame mrs mademoiselle miss comment allez how are formal vais bien merci et am fine thanks and tres very well va famille is family ma my vas informal toi ca oui yes avez dormi did sleep j ai slept passe une bonne was your journee had bienvenu welcome...

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