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picture1_Language Pdf 99666 | Jiptummpp Gdl Apriwibiso 34076 2 Chapteri

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File: Language Pdf 99666 | Jiptummpp Gdl Apriwibiso 34076 2 Chapteri
chapter i introduction 1 1 background of study language is important for society people need language to communicate with someone else in their daily life without language they cannot express ...

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...Chapter i introduction background of study language is important for society people need to communicate with someone else in their daily life without they cannot express ideas emotions and feelings spoken written forms trudgill states that not simply a means communicating information it also very establishing maintaining relationship other has an role human beings each be separated because what the member particular use communication function on how however speech almost any can take different like dialect one region another example between east java central sociolinguistics culture effort find correlation observe changes occur our related including norm expectations context way used part linguistics which concerned as social cultural phenomenon investigates field close connections sciences especially psychology anthropology geography sociology there are number branches literature such drama poetry novels songs short story movie all these works imagination or capacity invention primary...

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