the tamil case system harold f schiffman 1 introduction the tamil case system is analyzed in native and missionary grammars henceforth 1 nmg as consisting of a finite number of ...
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...The tamil case system harold f schiffman introduction is analyzed in native and missionary grammars henceforth nmg as consisting of a finite number cases realized morphologically nominal or pronominal suffixes to some which postpositional may be added these traditional analyses there always clear distinction made between morphemes endings thus usual treatment arden one where are seven nominative first accusative second instrumental third dative fourth ablative fifth genitive sixth locative seventh vocative sometimes given place an eighth although forms do not participate morphophonemic alternations nor they govern use any postpositions what typical grammar gives description modern literary table english significance subject sentence object action ai means by al done social association nu whom u kku performed for kkaka motion from il i yu inanimate iliruntu iruntu inattiliruntu animate possessive unaiya on person inam presence addressing calling fact all dravidian languages described gr...