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picture1_Language Pdf 99562 | 15 Urdu Core

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File: Language Pdf 99562 | 15 Urdu Core
15 urdu core code 303 syllabus class xi april 2018 march 2019 time 3 hours max marks 100 section content marks periods section a comprehension and writing 60 126 1 ...

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...Urdu core code syllabus class xi april march time hours max marks section content periods a comprehension and writing reading of an unseen passage factual about words followed by ve questions paragraph b general study newspapers magazines periodicals in the language with object i letter to editor ii elaborating small news iii advertisements grammar knowledge parts speech ism ki qismein marafa nakra zameer mutakallim hazir ghaeb sifat zaati nisbati adadi miqdari completion sentences suitable phrases c sentence making help idiomatic nai awaaz text book for published ncert prose one extract from prescribed short answer type essay question on theme internal choice or value based four poetry out two extracts long characters events evaluative nature total note paper will include s extent books qawaid new delhi xii personal business cial connected daily life application precis iv v analytical five word objective...

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