eva ejerhed a swedish clause grammar and its implementation abstract the paper is concerned with the notion of clause as a basic minimal unit for the segmentation and processing of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Eva ejerhed a swedish clause grammar and its implementation abstract the paper is concerned with notion of as basic minimal unit for segmentation processing natural language first part surveys various criteria clausehood that have been proposed in theoretical linguistics computational cind pro poses english or any other can be defined structural terms at surface level regular expression syntactic categories equivalently set sequences word classes possibility which has explicitly denied by harris later transformational grammarians second presents clauses newspaper text segmented into an experimental parser intended speech synthesis applicar tion third some phonetic data concerning distribution perceived pauses strangert zhi intonation units huber relation to what linguistic theory traditional consisting subject predicate suppositum appositum were used scholastic denote synttictic functions these two parts malces distinction between main dependent current presented radford three types ar...