Book Review The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum (University of Queensland and University of California, Santa Cruz) Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Book review the cambridge grammar of english language rodney huddleston and geoffrey k pullum university queensland california santa cruz england press xvii pp hardbound isbn reviewed by chris brew ohio state thecambridgegrammaroftheenglishlanguageisacomprehensivedescriptivegrammar designed to be accessible general reader part declared goal is produce a that incorporates insights from theoretical literature but presents them in way readers without formal training linguistics although styled as descriptive eschews complex notation it clearly product authors for whom issues ar guments are signicant interest concern challenge which have risen present materials largely nontechnical manner do so sacricing precision clarity this they succeeded dedicated should able glean not only great deal detailed knowledge about works also sense how organized an implicit understanding some ways linguists learned make sustain arguments inuence formalist approaches evident there obvious love enjoyment itsel...