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picture1_Linguistics Pdf 99440 | Fb382657 7fa0 41ff Afc9 3e2afb1cb5a4

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File: Linguistics Pdf 99440 | Fb382657 7fa0 41ff Afc9 3e2afb1cb5a4
struktur kurikulum program studi s 1 pendidikan bahasa jepang no kode mk nama matakuliah nama matakuliah in kegiatan status semester prasyarat english k pr w p ke 0001212001 pendidikan agama ...

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...Struktur kurikulum program studi s pendidikan bahasa jepang no kode mk nama matakuliah in kegiatan status semester prasyarat english k pr w p ke agama islam kristen katolik hindu religion budha khonghucu filsafat ilmu philosofy of science psikologi educational psychology inggris pengantar linguistik introduction to linguistics shokyu nihongo japanese elementary level hyoki writing dokkai reading pancasila dasar kependidikan principles education indonesia teori belajar learning theories applied wajib lulus oyo tempuh nihon shakai bunka japan society and culture system kyoiku rekishi history civics kewarganegaraan alam basic natural telaah sekolah curriculum analysis speaking hanashikata comprehension intermediate chukyu...

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