File: Korean Pdf 99432 | Cv Hong Sounman V82 20220211
updated february 2022 hong sounman yonhee hall 113 3 yonsei university 134 shinchon dong seodaemun gu seoul korea 03722 82 2 2123 2964 sounman hong yonsei ac kr current position ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Updated february hong sounman yonhee hall yonsei university shinchon dong seodaemun gu seoul korea ac kr current position present college of social sciences dept public administration underwood distinguished professor associate with tenure assistant education harvard cambridge ma ph d in policy graduate school arts and master m p kennedy credit bank system bachelor engineering computer science korean educational development institute business b a previous positions post doctoral fellow teaching pre research course mckinsey company consultant ministry foreign affairs trade deputy director samil pricewaterhousecoopers pwc senior kicpa mandatory military service sergeant discharged upon completing duty honors awards joseph wholey scholarship award american society for aspa fulbright mid career commission beryl radin best article jpart management association pmra carlo masini innovative academy aom meetings top reviewer william h newman pnp division ministerial citation economy finance the...