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picture1_Language Pdf 99232 | Rule Based Case Transfer In Tamil Malayalam Machine Translation

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File: Language Pdf 99232 | Rule Based Case Transfer In Tamil Malayalam Machine Translation
rule based case transfer in tamil malayalam machine translation s lakshmi and sobha lalitha devi au kbc research centre mit campus of anna university chennai india sobha au kbc org ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Rule based case transfer in tamil malayalam machine translation s lakshmi and sobha lalitha devi au kbc research centre mit campus of anna university chennai india org abstract the paper focuses on which is a part grammar module developed for bidirectional to system present study involves two typologically close genetically related languages namely we considered basic construction sentences highly dependent systems rules were written by taking into consideration postpositions cases parallel corpora was chosen deep analysis patterns done sort out changes that happens when translating from one language another have also copula our approach web data used evaluation results encouraging keywords suffixes dravidian introduction main components transfers an intermediate representation source target constitutes lexical level structural taken been thechomskyan framework trigger movement grammatical relations semantic roles are usually explained with help most easily observed studied rich morpho...

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