File: Language Pdf 99197 | Note Item Download 2022-09-21 13-55-15
women translators in urdu a survey faheemuddin ahmed s m fasiullah abstract like any language that relies on translation for its own enrichment urdu also benefitted from translation in its ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Women translators in urdu a survey faheemuddin ahmed s m fasiullah abstract like any language that relies on translation for its own enrichment also benefitted from journey of evolution not only witnessed production great works but an influx significant were translated various languages into every now and then besides men who created literary while displaying their talents genres played part too many fiction non this paper surveys contributions keywords indian writers introduction is rightly considered cumbersome process meaning contained text source rendered target bassnet some researchers it all pervasive yet problematic medium klitgard essence actually serves as bridge between two whereby the transferred to another with features style idea thought subject technique if literature becomes static does change over time would lose sheen so must plays very important role through new trends region are horizons opened wide variety topics comes up before them thus styles introduced doi tt no...