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picture1_Arabic Alphabet Pdf 99165 | Arabic

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File: Arabic Alphabet Pdf 99165 | Arabic
arabic letters of the alphabet initial medial final alone romanization omit see note 1 b t th j kh d dh r z s sh ayn gh f see note ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Arabic letters of the alphabet initial medial final alone romanization omit see note b t th j kh d dh r z s sh ayn gh f q k l m n h w y vowels and diphthongs a rule u aw i ay representing non consonants this list is not exhaustive it should be noted that letter in group may have more than one phonetic value depending on country or area where used will vary accordingly g ch v zh p notes for use alif to support hamzah by consonantal sign other orthographic uses rules maghrib variations are romanized respectively word construct state application different ways their context as indicated table represent wa iwa dalw yad iyal ahy long la rah mn jl kitb sab jumn also c awj nawm law aysar shaykh aynay when represented walah maddah...

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