katha on ratha reading coach handbook sky 1 katha on ratha creating lifelong learners a bilingual program to instill in children the passion and confidence for reading learning this handbook ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Katha on ratha reading coach handbook sky creating lifelong learners a bilingual program to instill in children the passion and confidence for learning this is intended serve as guidance all those teachers volunteers who play role of part kor at school center document will provide method be followed conducting sessions coaches must keep mind that activities are designed keeping they work both english language tamil equal importance has been given languages while designing korrchv kormay skill objectives progression lesson plans how make your lessons effective mazes tangrams symbol chart with symbols alphabet construction sound book alphabets blends bingo letter blend search family words movable sight word matching playing read simple sentences objective plan id recognize reproduce discriminate extend create auditory patterns listen identify beginning ending sounds good visual discrimination skills ability understand construct deconstruct through touch feel have basic knowledge match lo...