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picture1_Language Pdf 99011 | Gwc18 Hindi Teaching

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File: Language Pdf 99011 | Gwc18 Hindi Teaching
hindi wordnet for language teaching experiences and lessons learnt 1 2 1 hanumantredkar rajitashukla sandhyasingh 1 1 1 jaya saraswati laxmi kashyap diptesh kanojia 1 1 1 preethi jyothi malhar ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hindi wordnet for language teaching experiences and lessons learnt hanumantredkar rajitashukla sandhyasingh jaya saraswati laxmi kashyap diptesh kanojia preethi jyothi malhar kulkarni pushpak bhattacharyya indian institute of technology bombay mumbai india bennett university greater noida rajita shukla sandhya singh gmail com jayasaraswati dipteshkanojia preethijb malharku pushpakbh abstract ance one entity entails the appearance other in mind thus it was found that subjects thispaperreportstheworkrelatedtomak respond quicker than normal to word nurse if ing available as a digital follows highly associated such doctor resource learning teach church hanks this property mentallexiconisstructurally built wordnets were during process lan manifests itself lexical semantic re guage data has been lations which are encoded suitably modified enhanced make is ready vocabulary into aid whichcapturesassociativelearninginitsstructure based on modern pedagogical axioms conventionalsourcesofvocabular...

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