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picture1_Language Pdf 99010 | Gwc08 Multilingual Dictionary

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File: Language Pdf 99010 | Gwc08 Multilingual Dictionary
synset based multilingual dictionary insights applications and challenges 1 1 rajat kumar mohanty pushpak bhattacharyya 1 1 shraddha kalele prabhakar pandey 1 1 aditya sharma mitesh kopra 1 department of ...

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...Synset based multilingual dictionary insights applications and challenges rajat kumar mohanty pushpak bhattacharyya shraddha kalele prabhakar pandey aditya sharma mitesh kopra department of computer science engineering indian institute technology bombay mumbai india rkm pb pande adityas miteshk cse iitb ac in abstract this paper we report our effort at the standardization design partial implementation a context three large scale projects viz i cross lingual information retrieval ii english to language machine translation iii these are because each project involves partners spread across length breadth with great amount diversity is not on words but wordnet synsets e concepts identical architecture used for all where source target transfer initiated by concept mapping whole can be looked upon as an m x n matrix number rows languages columns maps lexeme s one standing other same actual usage preliminary wsd identifies correct row word then lexical choice procedure from corresponding curr...

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