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picture1_Language Pdf 98840 | Sanskrit

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File: Language Pdf 98840 | Sanskrit
syllabus subject sanskrit note there are two papers for each of the subjects paper i on teaching and research aptitude paper ii based on the syllabus of concerned subjects details ...

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...Syllabus subject sanskrit note there are two papers for each of the subjects paper i on teaching and research aptitude ii based concerned details furnished below general test is intended to assess candidate they supposed possess exhibit cognitive abilities like comprehension analysis evaluation understanding structure arguments evaluating distinguishing deductive inductive reasoning weighing evidence with special reference analogical generalization classification definition avoiding logical inconsistency rising out failure see relevance due ambiguity vagueness in language candidates also have a acquaintance nature concept meaning criteria truth source knowledge will be questions conducted objective mode consist all consists only type held day separate sessions as under number session marks duration first question hours second who appear secure at least aggregate belonging category reserved categories declared qualifies eligibility assistant professor by following reservation policy sta...

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