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picture1_Gujarati Grammar Pdf 98712 | Ora Sydney Gujarati Grammar School Enrolment Form

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File: Gujarati Grammar Pdf 98712 | Ora Sydney Gujarati Grammar School Enrolment Form
ora sydney gujarati grammar school om rameshwar association inc satyam shivam sundaram enrolment form 2016 17 student details first name surname date of birth male female address mainstream school year ...

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...Ora sydney gujarati grammar school om rameshwar association inc satyam shivam sundaram enrolment form student details first name surname date of birth male female address mainstream year grade students medical conditions and health declaration it is essential you inform the before your child enrolled if he or she has any this must include known allergies should also contact as soon are aware newly diagnosed other changes to an existing condition will assist support safety wellbeing allow planning occur determine best way meet individual needs important information for s safe participation at branch want attend bungarribee community centre buniya hub girraween public parent guardian mobile number home phone email how long have been leaving emergency media consent operated by seeking permission photographs children be taken during activities publish video work on newsletter website language face book newspapers etc entitles photograph videos may reproduced either in colour black white no...

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