List of quality publications in Scopus indexed/ SCI / Referred Journals Aghila Rajagopal, Sudan Jha, Manju Khari, Sultan Ahmad, Bader Alouffi, Abdullah Alharbi “A Novel approach in prediction of crop production using recurrent cuckoo search optimization neural networks”, Applied Sciences, 2021,11,9816. ISSN: 2076-3417 DOI: Ramachandran A, Arunprakash R, Ganapathy Sannasi, Aghila Rajagopal, Kavitha R.J, fuzzy content recommendation system using similarity analysis, content ranking and clustering”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol.41,no. 6,pp.6429-6441,2021 Aghila Rajagopal, A.Ramachandran, K.Shankar, Manju Khari, Sudan Jha, Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, &ldquo ...
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