resumes repor i ed 015 469 48 al 000 894 a brief 1indi reference grammar preliminary version by gumperz john j misra vidya ni was california univ berkeley report number ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Resumes repor i ed al a brief indi reference grammar preliminary version by gumperz john j misra vidya ni was california univ berkeley report number ndea vi pub date contract oec sae edrs price mf hc p descriptors hindi materials second language learning descriptive linguistics structural analysis distinctive features nominals adjectives verbs form classes languages sentence structure phrase phonology this outline of and is intended for first year students who have some previous knowledge the oral written but may had no training in linguistic terminology authors therefore emphasized simplicity readability rather than exhaustiveness or originality although not textbook be used to supplement classroom text as guide individual reading review introduction traces history current use urdu modern india following chapters include description general phrases verb constructions roman transliteration devanagari script throughout jd f if ultexua o os lrn c wry vefsion niwas university research rep...