1 NEO-FREUDIANS: Alfred Adler ST B.A. I (Honors), Lecture Series-1 (Paper-IVth : Systems in Psychology) By Dr. Masaud Ansari Department of Psychology, A.P.S.M. College, Barauni L. N. M. University, Darbhanga 21ST OCTOBER 2020 2 Neo-Freudian’s view Freud’s writings were controversial, but they soon attracted followers, mostly young, ambitious physicians who formed an inner circle around their strong minded leader. These pioneering psychoanalysts, whom we often call neo-Freudians, accepted Freud’s basic ideas: the personality structures of id, ego, and superego; the importance of theunconscious;theshaping ofpersonalityinchildhood;and thedynamicsofanxietyand the defense mechanisms. But they broke ...
PSY 111: Introduction to Psychology Learning Unit 9: Mini-Lecture Personality Speaker: Judy Austin Do you know the names of the seven dwarfs? Let’s see They are Crazy, Selfish, Ugly, Narcissistic, Crude, Lazy, and Uncooperative. Whoops Those are not the names of the seven dwarfs; those are the seven characteristics of my ex-husband’s personality Just kidding, my ex-husband was totally perfect in every way Seriously, putting all kidding and jokes aside, we probably can recall the names of the seven dwarfs – Bashful, Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, Grumpy, Doc, and Sleepy. What helps us to be able to remember them ...
1 DISTINCTION BETWEEN FREUD & NEO-FREUDIANS (Lecture Series-6) B.A. Ist (Honors) th (Paper-IV : Systems in Psychology) By Dr. Masaud Ansari Department of Psychology, A.P.S.M. College, Barauni st L. N. M. University, Darbhanga 22 APRIL 2020 2 Neo-Freudian’s view Freud attracted many followers who modified his ideas to create new theories about personality. These theorists, referred to as neo-Freudians, generally agreed with Freud that childhood experiences matter, but deemphasized sex, focusing more on the social environmentand effectsof cultureon personality. Freud’s writings were controversial, but they soon attracted followers, mostly young, ambitious physicians who ...
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Subject PSYCHOLOGY Paper No and Title Paper No 5: Personality Theories Module No and Title Module No 7: Introduction to the Psychodynamic Domain Module Tag PSY_P5_M7 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Learning Outcomes 2. Introduction 3. Development of the Psychoanalytic Movement 4. Neo-Freudian Psychoanalysis 5. Basic Understanding of Human Nature 6. Methodology 7. Summary PSYCHOLOGY Paper No 5: Personality Theories Module No 7: Introduction to the Psychodynamic Domain ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Learning Outcomes After studying this module, you shall be able to Trace the development of the psychoanalytic movement Learn about the primary contributions of Neo-Freudians Gain an understanding of human ...