Student Learning Outcomes: First Year Korean Students are expected to achieve the ACTFL level of “Novice-High” by the end of First Year Korean. General Description: The emphasis of First ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Student learning outcomes first year korean students are expected to achieve the actfl level of novice high by end general description emphasis is placed on fundamentals listening speaking reading and writing basic able successfully handle a limited number uncomplicated communicative tasks related predictable topics for survival in culture will be exposed everyday life contexts likely encountered contemporary society furthermore focuses exploring cs communication cultures connections comparisons communities suggested national standards foreign language education through as heritage specific goals each standard follows engage short conversations provide obtain information using situations such introducing oneself asking about location making requests telling quantity destination describing another person talking daily activities past likes dislikes simple apology giving reasons someone s opinion telephone calls polite request so gain knowledge understanding greetings with bow kinship te...