negative language transfer when learning spanish as a foreign language nuria calvo cortes universidad complutense de madrid resumen este trabajo se centra en la influencia negativa de la transferencia linguistica ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Negative language transfer when learning spanish as a foreign nuria calvo cortes universidad complutense de madrid resumen este trabajo se centra en la influencia negativa transferencia linguistica el aprendizaje del espanol como segunda lengua esta dividido dos partes una teorica y un analisis practico primera incluye los distintos aspectos que tienen tener cuanta hora considerar analiza ejemplos han extraido textos escritos por varios estudiantes britanicos estan aprendiendo conclusion mostrara estos errores puede ayudar predecir algunos palabras clave abstract this paper focuses on the influence of process an l it is divided into two main parts theoretical one and practical analysis former includes different aspects considering whereas latter analyses mistakes due to which have been taken form texts written by several british students will show that these may help predict some key words part preliminary considerations whenever new there are certain be considered in order achieve goo...