File: Language Pdf 98341 | Clef2007wn Adhoc Kumarchinnakotlaet2007
hindi and marathi to english cross language information retrieval at clef 2007 manoj kumar chinnakotla sagar ranadive pushpak bhattacharyya and om p damani department of cse iit bombay mumbai india ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Hindi and marathi to english cross language information retrieval at clef manoj kumar chinnakotla sagar ranadive pushpak bhattacharyya om p damani department of cse iit bombay mumbai india pb iitb ac in abstract this paper we present our clir systems de veloped as part participation the ad hoc bilingual task take a query translation based approach using bi lingual dictionaries words not found dictionary are transliterated simple rule which utilizes corpus return k closest transliterations given word resulting multiple transliteration choices for each disambiguated an iterative page rank style algorithm on term co occurrence statistics pro duces nal translated above achieve mean average precision map title is monolingual performance description categories subject descriptors h content analysis indexing infor mation search digital libraries general terms measurement experimentation keywords introduction world wide web www rich source growing enormous rate with estimate more than billion ...