File: Journal Pdf 98256 | 3 Towards Arabic Alphabet
global journal of computer science and technology f graphics vision volume 17 i ssue 2 version 1 0 year 2017 type double blind peer reviewed international research journal publisher global ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Global journal of computer science and technology f graphics vision volume i ssue version year type double blind peer reviewed international research publisher journals inc usa online issn print towards arabic alphabet numbers sign language recognition by ahmad hasasneh sameh taqatqa palestine ahliya university abstract this paper proposes to develop a new using restricted boltzmann machines direct use tiny images are able code as superposition limited number features taken from larger repeating process in deep architecture belief networks leads an efficient sparse representation the initial data feature space complex problem classification input is thus transformed into easier one after appropriate coding softmax regression must be sufficient recognize hand according image our knowledge first attempt that extraction simpler alternative approach for deserves considered investigated keywords component gjcst fclassification towardsarabicalphabetandnumberssignlanguagerecognition strictly ...