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picture1_Journal Pdf 98173 | Ugc Care List Journals All Subjects

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File: Journal Pdf 98173 | Ugc Care List Journals All Subjects
ugc care list journals sl no title publisher issn e issn subject 1 art libraries journal cambridge university press 0307 4722 2059 7525 library and information science 2 brahmavidya the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ugc care list journals sl no title publisher issn e subject art libraries journal cambridge university press library and information science brahmavidya the adyar bulletin research na centre catholic world association x citaliste scientific on theory city of panevo practice librarianship faculty philosophy novi sad college west bengal librarians georgia quarterly iaslic indian special centres international retrieval igi global studies department national taiwan canadian health sri lanka knowledge quest american herald delhi new review children s literature taylor francis rbu rabindra bharati south african africa srels management informatics publishing limited sarada ranganathan endowment for virginia digital an energy resources institute aarthika charche fpi economics fiscal policy government governance karnataka acta universitatis sapientiae sapientia hungarian business transylvania economic adonis abbey publishers political economy washington annals financial petrosani anvesak sardar...

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