publications 1 research papers published in academic journals i an overview publication of research papers in international national state level journals by the teachers of postgraduate departments in 2018 2019 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Publications research papers published in academic journals i an overview publication of international national state level by the teachers postgraduate departments sr no basic sciences economic social languages total ii from university a bio science chemistry electronics computer home iicisst material mathematics pharmasutical physics statistics b economics business studies administration mba agro centre c library and information education history law political sciecne psychology work sociology d english gujarati hindi sanskrit year vol p impact name title paper citation factor author s journal issue local department bioscience patel enhanced biofuels h production divecha ethanol j enzymatic shah hydrolysate r optimization mass balance analysis bioconversion process pinal improvement prajna vyas postharvest quality t v shelf life cape pure ramanarao gooseberry physalis applied peruviana fruit with bioactive thakkar composite coatings during low temperature storage sonu coating sharma ...