independent reading journal prompts write 1 2 page journal entries based on the given list of prompts be sure to include direct quotations and page numbers to support your commentary ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Independent reading journal prompts write page entries based on the given list of be sure to include direct quotations and numbers support your commentary analysis you want responses specific detailed these are jumping off points or entry into own discussion text should act as a written conversation between book hold up end bargain also journals must address entire work dialectical choose quotes from section that read copy quote in one column selections other what thoughts comments ideas understandings about significance chosen parts is writer s purpose does he she hope accomplish at least two passages clearly demonstrate said who author intended audience group subgroup people trying persuade inform assumptions make how establish his her authority ethical appeal do prove credible source if mentioned did conduct research prior writing find information this reliable define facts were true claims them ultimately him convincing primary method persuading explain some things have learned so ...