File: Journal Pdf 98134 | Economic Journal 2021 Annual Report10222
economic journal 2021 annual report highlights submissions and impact in 2021 the journal received 1 929 submissions the second highest number of submissions received in any one year acceptance rates ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Economic journal annual report highlights submissions and impact in the received second highest number of any one year acceptance rates for are just over short papers compared with factor released june was higher than is currently ranked tenth by google scholar continues to raise its profile on social media twitter followers increasing overall now exceeding as perform well alternative measures mentions at end decision turnaround times all days excluding those that desk rejected benefit from dedicated referees associate editors who deliver high quality timely reports returning their within months have improved average time being down ethics research transparency a member committee publication guidelines authors reviewers continue be adopted ensure best practice upheld s data editor joan llull coordinate pre reproducibility checks line top journals field operations transitioned an chief structure francesco lippi appointed august econometrics were centralised under direction work editoria...