acta scientiarum human and social sciences issn 1679 7361 issn 1807 8656 actahuman uem br universidade estadual de maringa brasil ito nobuiuki costa gimenez fernando antonio prado hayashi junior paulo ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Acta scientiarum human and social sciences issn actahuman uem br universidade estadual de maringa brasil ito nobuiuki costa gimenez fernando antonio prado hayashi junior paulo theory development process the fundamental explananda of strategy vol no january april doi https org actascihumansoc vi available in www redalyc articulo oa id how to cite complete issue scientific information system more about this article network journals from latin america caribbean spain portugal journal s webpage project academic non profit developed under open access initiative http periodicos ojs on line administration e sao ibmec alameda santos federal do parana curitiba faculdade ciencias aplicadas campinas limeira autor para correspondencia mail edu abstract purpose essay is an exploration current status strategic management field attempt up debate within philosophy science which means that aim clarify critical issues related research rather than explaining phenomena hempel oppenheim description explana...