File: Journal Pdf 97876 | Ic10 Neuro Ortho Journal Club
journal club article review detailed template a authors institution funding source conflicts of interest who are the authors do you know of any of their previous work and has it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Journal club article review detailed template a authors institution funding source conflicts of interest who are the do you know any their previous work and has it been reliable paid for study there other s not that research sponsored by industry is necessarily untrustworthy but knowing just like design gives head start at what sorts biases to look b question this was designed answer sometimes helps picture clinical situation ll be better able handle if valid often last line abstract author c level evidence type randomized blinded trial cohort case control cross sectional series refer google users guides medical literature where can find articles discusses different types studies in greater depth d subjects how were they selected excluded many important order whether results internal validity generalizable or patients external e predictor variable called independent variables think might cause predict changes outcome example main group assignment i get test drug placebo measured passiv...