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File: Journal Pdf 97829 | 51622750 Cd6b 4a0d Bb1f 9309932cbf43
reuters claro cortez iv source publication list for web of science social sciences citation index 2014 august web of science ssci journal list title publisher issn e issn country language ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Reuters claro cortez iv source publication list for web of science social sciences citation index august ssci journal title publisher issn e country language abacus a accounting finance and business studies wiley blackwell australia english academia revista latinoamericana de administracion emerald group publishing limited colombia spanish academic psychiatry springer united states academy management annals routledge journals taylor francis ltd acad learning education x perspectives review accident analysis prevention pergamon elsevier england research auditing accountability horizons amer assoc organizations society across languages cultures akademiai kiado rt hungary acta bioethica univ chile centro interdisciplinario estudios bioetica multi histriae primorska sci res centre koper slovenia slovenian linguistica hungarica oeconomica paulista enfermagem fed sao paulo dept enfermagen brazil portuguese politica palgrave macmillan netherlands psychiatrica scandinavica psychologica bv soci...

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