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picture1_Journal Pdf 97824 | Emlyon 2021

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File: Journal Pdf 97824 | Emlyon 2021
direction de la recherche emlyon business school ranking of academic journals valid since february 2021 contents journal ranking of emlyon business school 3 journals by alphabetical order 4 journals by ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Direction de la recherche emlyon business school ranking of academic journals valid since february contents journal by alphabetical order rank a b c this has been developed the scientific committee based on existing rankings impact factors opinions external experts and direct examination editorial board reputation research objective is to help our faculty in its publication strategy support effort improving quality publications reflects it includes comprehensive number economics as well other disciplines law psychology sociology mathematics that contribute strategic positioning means communication diffusion knowledge e g books book chapters reports are also important production five categories selected unanimously recognized best their discipline excellent close they often generalist with long tradition substantial an good very renown internationally but not at same level category both specialized some french international readership have acceptable low because high specificity or limi...

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