international property rights index ipri 2009report study conducted by anne chandima dedigama 2008 hernando de soto fellow with contributions by david stanfield maria del carmen delgado kriengsak chareongwonsak sudhir ravindran ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International property rights index ipri report study conducted by anne chandima dedigama hernando de soto fellow with contributions david stanfield maria del carmen delgado kriengsak chareongwonsak sudhir ravindran arya mathew clarissa augustinus asa jonsson a project of the alliance l street nw suite washington dc www internationalpropertyrightsindex org table contents letter from executive director foreword acknowledgements about author partners premise fellowship program chapter i introduction ii and economic development iii composition coverage exhibit structure legal political environment physical ppr intellectual ipr iv results data outcome characteristics ranking country quintile core components statistics top bottom component number indicates rank lp score regional distribution average performance region indicator well being income relationship between gdp per capita fitted line special cases conclusion continued v gender equality ge case women land dr ms un habitat vi studies...