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picture1_Journal Pdf 97706 | 318850 Improving Students Reading Comprehension F9fdc0aa

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File: Journal Pdf 97706 | 318850 Improving Students Reading Comprehension F9fdc0aa
journal of english language learning jell issn 2599 1019 03529 1 678 176 5 1 2035 16 21 using learning cell technique 1 2 gina larasaty ayu sulastr english education ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Journal of english language learning jell issn using cell technique gina larasaty ayu sulastr education department faculty teacher training and science wiralodra university email unwir ac id aysthomsss gmail com abstract this research is talking about investigating whether can improve vwxghqwv reading comprehension in recount text the was conducted at smk pgri indramayu population were students x rpl grade samples consisted by classroom action car collecting data used test observation only two cycles included an objective multiple choice true false statements essay finding showed that from instruments preliminary very low average result cycle i improved it f foh vkrzhg lpsuryhphqw wkh vwxghqw v dyhudjh vfruh zdv based on be concluded uhdglqj key words introduction one important skills to mastered because will get a lot information various sources we know activities knowledge skill so for do more statement has supported grabe stoller xvi thought as way draw form inthusuhwdwlrq ri wkdw l...

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