bmi journal club template russ altman channeled through steve bagley oct 9 2012 source and acknowledgements much of the text of this talk is from russ altman s journal club ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Bmi journal club template russ altman channeled through steve bagley oct source and acknowledgements much of the text this talk is from s research a powerpoint presentation with both advice an example intertwined to simplify things i ve extracted general reformatted it added some my own comments although original discussed talks m focusing here on http stanford edu biomedical informatics students forms html how pick paper for should interest you likely others not be draft in publication or just published yesterday have been cited bunch check google scholar report new improved method novel application existing too long domain heavy because your audience may nearly as interested are approved by me then plan minutes roughly slides questions discussion make appointment several days before practice...