File: Journal Pdf 97612 | Title Suppressions (2021 Release)
2021 7 15 title suppressions you are now viewing title suppressions title suppressions editorial expression of concern find the full investigation on the editorial expression of concern for 2020 on ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Title suppressions you are now viewing editorial expression of concern find the full investigation on for our page journals suppressed from jcr data release journal impact factor and year factors not published titles listed below due to anomalous citation patterns found in these result a significant distortion rank that does accurately reflect s performance literature provides an important objective measure contribution scholarly communication interest fairness accuracy all by excessive concentration citations gives rise need suppression clarivate will monitor going forward be included future with metrics when resolved coverage web science other products is immediately affected however may subject review determine if they continue meet quality publication standards necessary inclusion core collection flagship indexes index expanded social more information policy can list previous years type arch latinoam nu tr archivos latinoamericanos de nutricion stacking hell j cardiol hellenic card...