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picture1_Learning Pdf 97600 | Productions & Operations Management

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File: Learning Pdf 97600 | Productions & Operations Management
production and operations management subject production and operations management credits 4 syllabus operations and productivity operations functions and evolution of pom framework for managing operations operations strategy trends in operations ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Production and operations management subject credits syllabus productivity functions evolution of pom framework for managing strategy trends in product process design development tools services flexible manufacturing systems types modern technologies reengineering capacity economies diseconomies scale learning curve strategies decision trees facility location its importance factors influencing plant globalization selection models layout planning layouts job work measurement inventory basic economic order quantity eoq model discount spare parts material resources resource purchasing objectives scheduling aggregate master service organizations operating schedules sequencing rules optimized technology synchronous just time jit system basics scm erp suggested readings by everette e adam jr ronald j ebert publisher prentice hall india n g nair tata mc graw hill panneerselvam r shafer scott m john wiley succeeding project driven knutson joan structure introduction operation function review q...

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