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picture1_Journal Pdf 97569 | B  International Journal Of Design & Nature And Ecodynamics (ijdne)

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File: Journal Pdf 97569 | B International Journal Of Design & Nature And Ecodynamics (ijdne)
jurnal internasional terindex scopus berepurtasi scopus q3 sjr 0 193 ijdne international journal of design nature and ecodynamics ijdne nama jurnal international journal of design nature and ecodynamics ijdne status ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Jurnal internasional terindex scopus berepurtasi q sjr ijdne international journal of design nature and ecodynamics nama status internasioal nomor issn print e online volume bulan tahun vol no august penerbit information engineering technology association iieta scotia place tower one jasper ave edmonton ab tj r canada doi artikel https org alamat web www journals indexing quartile citescore snip scimago ei geobasedimensionscab abstracts cabi zetoc miar ebscohost publonsscienceopen google scholar crossref portico microsoft academic cnki baidu plagiasi beall s list tidak terdeteksi editorial board reviewer total negara italy orang uk usa greece new zealand ukraina irlandia belgium portugal netherland japan china israel russia...

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