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File: Journal Pdf 97548 | Smj 04 Rodriguez Strategy Literature Review
strategic management journal strat mgmt j 25 981 1004 2004 published online in wiley interscience www interscience wiley com doi 10 1002 smj 397 changesintheintellectualstructure ofstrategicmanagementresearch abibliometricstudyofthestrategic managementjournal 1980 2000 ...

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...Strategic management journal strat mgmt j published online in wiley interscience www com doi smj changesintheintellectualstructure ofstrategicmanagementresearch abibliometricstudyofthestrategic managementjournal antonio rafaelramos rodriguez andjoseruiz navarro faculty of economic and sciences university cadiz cad iz spain the aim this paper is to identify works that have had greatest impact on research analyze changes taken place intellectual struc ture discipline methodology based bibliometric techniques citation co analysis which are applied all articles from its rst issue through copyright john sons ltd a statistical record ideas would allow purpose gain an impres us precise moment history sion evo emerge chronicle their growth spread lution by considering great number determine exact duration validity researchers eld over extended period collective mind afterwards trace path time using methods towards decline erosion into mere cliche ulti mate disappearance beyond horizon followin...

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