upload journals to bfs using a spreadsheet template you can upload both financial and temporary budget journals to bfs this can save time if you have many lines and much ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Upload journals to bfs using a spreadsheet template you can both financial and temporary budget this save time if have many lines much of the data already exists in an excel or other electronic form that be pasted into for example use calculate your copy redistribution charges each month contains chartstring dollar amount paste information it easier than re entering all adjusting computer s settings may need change following on order process work local tech support likely help with contact ist desk at make trusted site web browser allow macros downloading begin by appropriate from locate templates follow navigation path cal components import export file service download journal csv departments actuals tempbudg but not permbudg foundation important when will open must comma separated values format see upk quick guides more details because is type accepted note header text color changes blue red black completing programmed ignore first line uploaded allows row do delete looks like add an...