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...Nxp semiconductors document number an application note rev i mx quad dual personality fuses introduction contents this describes on chip called that are used to define the characteristics of revision history and socs b v table shows related definition soc fuse ocotp name settings function address x xb c num cores reserved mcimxqxxxxxxxx mcimxdxxxxxxxx mlb disable enabled disabled mcimxxxxxxxxx vpu market segment extended industrial automotive commercial mcimxxxexxxxxx mcimxxxcxxxxxx mcimxxxaxxxxxx speed mhz grading grade mcimxxxxxxxx mcimxxxxxxxxmcimxxxxxxxxmcimxxxxxxxx hdcp encryption mcimxxxxxxxxcx mcimxxxxxxxxax is initial release how reach us information in provided solely enable system software home page implementers use products there no express or implied copyright licenses com granted hereunder design fabricate any integrated circuits based web support reserves right make changes without further notice herein makes warranty representation guarantee regarding suitability its for...